The Citizen Science Earth Observation Lab (CSEOL) (we say Sizzle) is an initiative funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) to find people and organizations with the energy, imagination and creative talent to help Europe’s big Space data address some of our biggest problems.

Views from space of our planet from satellite images and data provide scientists and policy makers with the information that can help us all better understand and protect our environment. Applications of this Earth Observation (EO) data include monitoring the air, seas and land; providing weather reports and models; and supplying relief agencies with data before and after disasters strike. Our CSEOL goal is to expand collective impact by exploring how different groups of people – scientists, innovators and civil society – can work creatively with EO data, and also use new technologies (including drones and AI), to identify, address and communicate about the Earth’s complex problems.

PhenoTandem was one of the four winning projects of 2019 CSEOL competition.