Who we are?

RitmeNatura is a community of phenological observers in Catalonia from various organizations, as well as individual initiatives. In 2016, when RitmeNatura was created, Natusfera was the platform used for collecting observations. For technical reasons, in 2020, RitmeNatura decided to move the observatory to iNaturalist. Therefore, both in Natusfera and in iNaturalist you can find all the collaborators who individually have participated or participate in the observatory with their observations.

On this page we want to highlight and thank those entities that, during the creation and expansion of the observatory, have had some support and leadership role to carry out this initiative:

The Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) is a public research institution located in Barcelona. CREAF’s main objective is to generate knowledge and create new methodological tools in the fields of environmental sciences and ecology. The research carried out by the CREAF can be grouped into 4 main areas: Biodiversity, Functional Ecology and Global Change, Forest Ecology and Forest Fires, and Environmental and Territorial Analysis and GIS. In the last area, the Grumets group is conducting research in large volumes of data, web cartography, time series remote sensing, and geospatial standards and is the maintenance of Remote sensing and SIG MiraMon software.

The Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteorological agency of Catalonia) is a public company, attached to the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which is responsible for managing meteorological observation and forecasting systems in Catalonia.

The Diputació de Barcelona is a local government institution that promotes the progress and welfare of citizens in its territorial area: the province of Barcelona (311 municipalities). The Diputació de Barcelona mainly provides technical, economic and technological support to city councils so that they can provide quality local services in a more homogeneous manner throughout the territory.

Natusfera is a citizen science platform created by CREAF and coordinated by GBIF Spain, currently available in Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Basque and English. Its technology is an adaptation of iNaturalist, an American platform that works very well between the English-speaking community and in Mexico. Natusfera was born to position itself as the platform of citizen science of reference in Europe to study biodiversity.

The Catalan Office for Climate Change is the technical body of the Government of Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalonia), attached to the General Directorate for Environmental Quality and Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment, which is responsible for promoting Catalonia’ Strategies, plans and projects in the field of climate change. On the basis of the commitments adopted within the European Union, the Office looks for the integration of mitigation and adaptation to climate change in sectoral policies, and promotes projects and concerted actions with other governments in the field of climatic policies.

The Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers is a museum dedicated to science that is located in Granollers that has as thematic areas: paleontology, geology, botany, meteorology and, especially, zoology.

SEO/BirdLife is a public non-governmental organization (NGO) whose main objectives are the conservation and study of birds and their habitats.

The Institució Catalana d’Historia Natural, a subsidiary of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, is a scientific society whose purpose is to promote the study and dissemination of knowledge referring to living beings and natural systems.

The Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO) is an association dedicated to the study and monitoring of birds and their habitats in order to obtain solid and impartial information that contributes significantly to the conservation policies of the biodiversity.

La Federació d’Entitats Excursionistes de Catalunya (FEEC), also called the Catalan Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing, has its origins in 1920, and is the body that groups together the hiking entities of Catalonia, and that works to offer services to these entities and by extension to all practitioners of sports disciplines linked to hiking and mountaineering and its cultural aspects. FEEC holds the representation of the Catalan Hiking to any public or private body.

Flora Catalana is a non-profit association that organizes the voluntary work of people who love nature, with the purpose of collecting information, both botanical and ethnobotanical, related to the flora of Catalonia and the culture that, historically, has developed around it. The objective of this compilation is to end up doing a social work of diffusion and awareness.

Altran Group is a world leader in high tech engineering consultancy and innovation that accompanies its customers in the creation and development of new products and services. As an international group, Altran operates in more than twenty countries in Europe, Asia and America. Altran has provided services for the last thirty years for the main actors in the telecommunications aerospace, automotive, energy, rail, finance, health and public sector sectors covering all the development stages of the project from strategic planning. Altran capitalizes international technological knowledge in four key areas: Life Cycle of Experience; Mechanical engineering; Intelligent Systems and Information Systems. In Spain, Altran Innovation extends the principles of the Altran group to the Spanish context in more than 2,500 companies, innovation being the central component of the Altran strategy.

Starlab Barcelona SL is a Private Research and Development company established in 2000. STARLAB offers R & D solutions and services for institutional and private clients in order to close the gap between research and society. STARLAB has positioned itself as a Value Added Company (VAC) in the provision of space services and neuroscience. STARLAB has key experience in the following aspects: administrative tasks, technical tasks, integration of data sources, computational intelligence and automatic learning, personalization of the service, hardware / software development and business modeling and market response.

IHE Delft is an academic institution that carries out education, research and capacity-building projects in the fields of hydraulic engineering, water management, environment, sanitation and government. IHE Delft awards Master’s degrees in Sciences and directs doctorates. It is the largest international postgraduate center in education related to water and research in the world. Since 1957, the Institute has taught postgraduate education to more than 15,000 water professionals from more than 160 countries. IHE Delft participates in numerous research projects and capacity-building projects around the world. The Institute is based in the Netherlands.